Another project started in 2007 were my 15mm French Peninsular force.
This Picture is quite old, as I've since added to this with some Cavalry, Artillery and more Infantry. Me and Meninobesta did de "Battle of the Douro" using Shako rules and currently our sights are set on the "Battle of Vimeiro".
here to access the scenario as written for Shako.
I still have some Infantry to go before I can tackle that one. In our homebrew basing system 3 bases are a battalion, so the picture above represents 5 line (or Ligne) Battalions and 1 Light (Legere) Battalion (with a base to spare).
Some additional photos:A
"General de Brigade" (He's based on 2c EUR coin - gives you an idea of scale):
An Artillery Piece. Pretty lethal in the Napoleonic times. You wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a
Grapeshot discharge:
French Dragoons. Real men wear pink facings with green turnbacks :)
My French Peninsular 15mm Gallery in an embeded slideshow (click play to start):
Full Gallery:
15mm French Peninsular @ Picasaweb